China, Year One!

So since I’ve returned for another year and have plans to continue this blog I thought I should really organise things better – the menu section is getting super crowded. So the links below are from my adventures during the 2015-2016 academic year, also known as the time I actually had a proper job for the first time after university!!


For the first few settling-in weeks check out: Actual life in Shijiazhuang!,  The Return of the Phone!  and  I climbed another mountain!

For a real look at life in China and how hard it can be sometimes check out: The realities of life in China. While depressing, I think it’s a really interesting read into how alone and frustrated China can make you feel. Don’t be sad for me though – I’ve willingly returned for another year!

If you are wondering what the differences between the UK and China are, look at Quirky Shiz and the classic Tampons and teabags!

To find out more about interactions with the locals, read The rise of DaiSiA night out in Shijiazhuang.. and 我是外国人 – Being a foreigner in Shijiazhuang.

How do I celebrate holidays you ask? Read these posts: Hippy Holidays!I’m dreaming of a smoggy Christmas…. and 新年快乐!

Don’t think it’s all alcohol, cold water and mountains however: I do actually work here! Have a peek at the following posts if you’re interested in my job: I’m a teacher too ,  All good things…  and Saying Goodbye.


One of the major benefits of my job and lifestyle here is that I can afford to travel frequently. Below are the travel blogs for my first year in China!

China Travels

Spring Festivalling in Thailand

Final Trip


Finally, I was lucky enough to come to China through the British Council’s Language Assistant programme. As part of it, the first 2 weeks in China were spent at an incredibly intense training camp in Beijing. If you want to read about my very first experience of China and the shenanigans which occurred at camp, here are the posts!


Phew! Other than the last post I have left to write that’s everything from my first year teaching in Shijiazhuang. Now it’s even easier to read about what I’ve been up to. Thanks to everyone that does read my ramblings – from the comments I got when I was back home they seem to be going down well! ❤